The Upper Galilee Choir
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In Short:

This site is the unofficial website for the Upper Galilee Regional Choir.  The UGRC performs all over Israel both a capella, and with various instrumental accompaniments from solo keyboard to full orchestra.  We have performed abroad at various venues, including competitions and festivals in Rome, and Loretto Italy, and Nancy, France.

During the recent Sukkot holiday the choir presented a very warmly received rendition of Gluck's Orpheo und Euridice at the Abu Ghosh music festival. 

Coming soon are performances of Haydn's "Die Schopfung", (The Creation), and in December, Handel's "Messiah" 

For 6 days in May/June the choir participated in a satisfying series of concerts in Germany and Austria, most of which were in the framework of the "Musica Sacra International" music festival, where we shared the stage with choirs from 5 different religions, and twice as many nationalities

All of us in the Upper Galilee Choir want to thank the festival organizers especially Dolf Rabus, and Brigitte Riskowski, for inviting us, it was a wonderful experience. Most of all though, we want to thank the very generous people of Marktoberdorf and the surrounding area. They opened their hearts and homes to us, and to all the other performers who took part in the festival.  Without them none of this could have taken place.  

Pictures from the festival are on the Picture Page.

A review of the festival can be found at:

A Short History


The Upper Galilee Choir was established in 1978 by Stanley Sperber and under his direction, a year later, performed Mendelssohn's Oratorio  "Elijah" at the Musica Sacra Festival in Jerusalem.


Stanley Sperber served as the choir's musical director for two and a half years.  In the years that followed, the choir sang under the direction of various conductors including; Aaron Harlap, Veronica Bloomers-Bell and Amir Bernhardt.  Ron Zarchi has served as the choir's conductor since 1985.


The choir has performed with the Israeli Broadcasting Authority Symphony, Haifa Symphony, Carmel Baroque Orchestra, Yad Harif Orchestra, Raanana Symphonette Orchestra, and various other instrumental ensembles from both Israel and abroad.


The choir has toured abroad several times and has participated in the Nancy Choral Festival, France (1991), The Liturgical Music Festival in Loretto, Italy  (1995), and recently won a bronze medal in the Palestrina Choir Competition, Italy (2000).  Most recently, the choir participated in the Musica Sacra International in Marktoberdorf Germany (28/5-2/6/04). 


The choir often performs in the Church of the Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha, the Dormition Church in Jerusalem and regularly takes part in prominent liturgical music festivals in Nazareth and Abu-Gosh as well as the annual internationally known Chamber Music Festival in Kfar Blum.



The choir's program includes modern and classical works, music by Israeli composers, and folk songs, but focuses on the performance of  Baroqe and Renaissance music, with a special emphasis on a liturgical repertoire.

In addition to a cappella programs, the choir has staged independent productions including:

Handel's "Messiah", performed during the Christmas season for several years at the in the Notre Dame Church in Abu Ghosh near Jerusalem.

"Prayers from the Vienna Synagogue" by Zultser, performed in concerts of Jewish liturgical music in both Jerusalem and Kfar Blum.

"Vesperes" by Monteverdi with the Mesanza Ensemble of Germany.

The operas "Dido and Aeneas" by Purcell, and Gluck's "Orfeo und Euridice".

Haydn's "Die Schopfung", (The Creation).

Bach's "B minor Mass" is our present project to be performed in the coming months.






Our Members

The 45+ Members of the choir hail from all over the Upper Galilee panhandle, and the Golan Heights.  Several of the members have studied music at the Levinsky Teachers College, or similar educational institutions.  Many participate in music enrichment seminars and the majority study voice. 

 The Upper Galilee Choir performs under the auspices of the Upper Galilee Regional Council's Cultural Committee.





In order to watch the following clip, you must have the Quick Time media player installed on your computer.

Click here for an excerpt from Handel's Messiah performed in the Church of the Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes



Maestro Ron Zarhi